About fikatrail

What’s a fikatrail?

fikatrail aims to take you through parts of Stockholm through fika, by visiting various cafés, bakeries and coffee houses, as well as various landmarks and points of interest along the way – all the whilst, avoiding the likes of those coffee giants with mermaid logos. A trail/journey of fika, if you will.

These trails serve as suggestions of possible routes through the city. The walk times and distances listed are simply meant to give you an indication of how long it might take. Of course, you might spend a little less or more time in a particular place. Or maybe, you veer off the path along the way… that’s alright too (but if you find something cool that we’ve missed out on, let us know!).

A little about us

Hello! I’m Emma, and fikatrail is something of a love letter to the city I spent so much of my childhood in during the long summers and other holiday times.

I’m Swedish, but have always lived abroad. I’m somewhere in between a local and a tourist when I’m back in Stockholm. I know it well, but not in the same way as some of my friends who grew up there do. (Also…can someone explain to me what it is about locals and refusing to leave their immediate neighbourhood?!)

I created fikatrail for my major project module as part of my MA in Web Design and Content Planning at the University of Greenwich. I wanted something of an excuse to expand my design skills, to finally settle down and really learn Adobe Illustrator. This lead me to create an illustrated guide for a city I love, and to share the concept behind enjoying cake and coffee that’s been a part of my entire life.

If you fancy following the project further, you can follow us on our Instagram, or shoot us an email!